
Here’s a manually-updated and botchy change log – let’s go with this till I write up a script to pull in the subversion revision history (nah, I keed):

  • 2011/07/02: Created a new plugin that searches and lists posts based on a specified criteria (tags, category, keywords, etc.). You can see an example on this page (at the end of the post).
  • 2011/07/01: Added Projects page
  • 2011/06/20: Replaced the old / boring Archive page with a cool new version that dumps almost all the posts in the blog
  • 2011/03/09: Added a header background theme inspired by Scottish Tartan.
  • 2011/03/05: Added Portfolio pages. I am using Next-gen Gallery plugin for the portfolio pages. Check ’em out!
  • 2011/03/02: Upgraded to WordPress 3.1. I am liking the new “Admin bar”.
  • 2011/02/19: Started modifying the default WordPress theme (Twenty Ten). Typography, applied a different color scheme, removed banner, etc. Mainly CSS stuff.
  • 2011/02/13: Imported the project in my subversion repository. Configured it with Depro auto-deployer — this will deploy out changes every night automatically. I have documented this step in my post here.
  • 2011/02/12: Enabled Thematic wordpress theme framework. I will try to build a child theme myself on top of this framework.
  • 2011/02/06: Activated a few plugins like Akismet, Google Sitemap and Google Analyticator. Also created this kick-ass Timeline page.
  • 2011/02/05: Finally decided to go with WordPress. Installed core wordpress without any customization (no plugins or themes).
  • 2011/01/22: Offloaded the previous version of website and replaced it with a placeholder page.